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Polo, Argentina’s historical sport


Polo, Argentina’s historical sport

The most complete information about the latest news and events

  • March 8, 2017

If you think of “Argentina” and “sport”, you tend to think firstly of “football” and secondly of “Maradona”. Whilst it’s true the country does have a long and intense history of football, there are other types of sport which have grown up in the shadow of football, now gradually making their own mark in the country with a great number of fans all over the Argentina. In the case of polo, we, at Lu&Bo Hotels, invite you to get to know this sport a little more.

Said to originate from Persia, polo actually comes from British immigration to Argentina; the landowners who settled in places like Santa Fe. The British, who brought their love of polo from their colonies in India, were so surprised by how easy it was for the gaucho to ride horseback without the need for a seat, they influenced the natives to start playing the sport, implementing it so that it has been being played ever since 1875.

The first game of Polo in Argentina, according to the newspaper “La Nación”, was played that year, in 1875, spreading in the minds of Creole society whereby little by little it was eventually completely accepted. Some of the first names associated with this sport were British men Francis Balfour and David Shennan, the Irishman Frank Kinchant and those who later formed the first Polo club in Argentina: the Hurlingham Club.

Later on, people’s love for the sport lead to the creation of the Argentine Association of Polo (AAPolo), which is still a point of reference for this sport in Argentina, being the official establishment for trophies, championships and national & international tournaments (follow them on Twitter, @asocdepolo, or visit the official website

There are many polo courses and specific places all over Argentina to practice the sport with many offering specific polo classes, suitable for both children and adults. The fact that it is practiced as a team with an animal of exceptional nobility like the horse has also made it become a source of therapy and anti-stress for any age group.

If you’re a fan of polo or express interest in trying it, we, at Lu&Bo hotels invite you to visit our exclusive hotel Estancia Monte Viejo in Brandsen, Argentina, where, from the end of January, you can enjoy a spectacular polo course, packed with horses, specialised equipment, qualified teachers and a full program of tournaments.

Contact us on the official website of Lu&Bo Hotels for exact tournament dates and information.