Intense tastes,aromas, smooth and delicious creamy soups, light salads...
Try all the best kept recipes of Sultanahmet's cuisine in the hotel's fabulous dining room and terrace with panoramic views.
The Turkish cuisine is an exotic trip to other times. For this reason, the restaurant of the
Eresin Crown Hotel bases its gastronomic proposal on this historic
tradition on dishes that seem unchangeable throughout history. Intense tastes,
aromas, smooth and delicious creamy soups, light salads... Try all the best kept recipes of
Sultanahmet's cuisine in the hotel's fabulous dining room and terrace with panoramic views.
Intense tastes,aromas, smooth and delicious creamy soups, light salads...
Try all the best kept recipes of Sultanahmet's cuisine in the hotel's fabulous dining room and terrace with panoramic views.